Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Rainforest Trail

Rainforest Trail is hard to describe....
I suppose maybe because when you enter it, there are so many feelings involved.
It's dark, wet, with a strong smell of mosses and skunk cabbage
When you stand still and make no sound, not even a breath,
there is silence.
Silence like none I have ever experienced before.
It's broken,
not from that of human cause
but from the laugh of a near by eagle
That silence of the forest
I remember it.

There is no place like Rainforest trail.

The trees tell their stories,
maybe not with words
But surely with their size and with their destruction
Uprooted, split, and dead.
But the food for so much life to come.
Nothing goes to waste, nothing misused
All things working together.

There is no place like Rainforest trail.
For I will go there again

Skunk Cabbage

Skunk Cabbage

Dear Heart

Rockweed (Fucus distichus)

Mussels and Barnacles

Barnacles and kelp

Sunday, April 25, 2010


My new best friend.

These pictures don't do him justice, he is a 120 pound Alaskan Malamute, and he stole my heart..

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The first of many

My front yard

Across the street

Monday, April 5, 2010

When will it sink in?

To those of you that may know about my recent opportunity, I will be leaving to Juneau Alaska, April 9th for six months... To those of you that didn't know this... You now know... :)

Things are coming together and almost to a close here in Los Angeles. I have said many good byes already, but for some reason, it's just not hitting me... I keep telling myself, "I am moving to Alaska, I am moving to Alaska." Only then I start to feel the way I think I should... but that feeling is soon to disappear. It will come I am sure, when I am on that plane Friday morning, heading to a place I never pictured I would be going to.

My Goal is to keep this blog updated on a once a week, or once every other week (keeping my expectations semi low, so I don't fail completely) bases, so there is a place for those of you who would like to know what's going on and to see some of the images I will capture as I experience this place we like call Juneau Alaska.