Monday, April 5, 2010

When will it sink in?

To those of you that may know about my recent opportunity, I will be leaving to Juneau Alaska, April 9th for six months... To those of you that didn't know this... You now know... :)

Things are coming together and almost to a close here in Los Angeles. I have said many good byes already, but for some reason, it's just not hitting me... I keep telling myself, "I am moving to Alaska, I am moving to Alaska." Only then I start to feel the way I think I should... but that feeling is soon to disappear. It will come I am sure, when I am on that plane Friday morning, heading to a place I never pictured I would be going to.

My Goal is to keep this blog updated on a once a week, or once every other week (keeping my expectations semi low, so I don't fail completely) bases, so there is a place for those of you who would like to know what's going on and to see some of the images I will capture as I experience this place we like call Juneau Alaska.

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