Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Random Selection

Steller Sea Lions
Mendenhall Glacier

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mr. Anemone

Oh Mr. Anemone
If I could only live in the sea
I would be so very happy
Just me and my anemone

(I think this whole thing indicates how much I miss diving.
I swear I haven't lost my mind completely. )

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Past

One thing I have noticed here in Juneau is the collection of things you can find.
Some from recent, many from the past.
Left to survive nature and man.

This first picture looks like a furnace.
It was found in the old general store at what used to be the booming city of Treadwell
This General store that once contained the very best of everything,
from the finest of fabrics and clothes, to news papers from New York,
is now used as a place to graffiti

This car was found a little of the trail to Herbert Glacier

Saturday, May 8, 2010


There is something about seeing wildlife in the wild....
These orcas are one of the most extraordinary creatures I have ever witnessed.
Intelligent, curious, strikingly beautiful, overwhelming, prefect..

The Chilkat

This picture does not do justice to the beauty of these amazing mountains.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bears, Oh my!

There are many things in life that make my heart race
Some exciting
Some intense
and some things that are just plain frightful
Recently, I experienced the frightful.
It was the night before last an hour after I had fallen asleep
Blaze started to bark, deep and loud
Followed by intimidating growls towards something
what it was wasn't clear at this point
My thought...
Something outside.
Little did I know
It was not something outside, it was something trying to come in.
It wasn't until myself and each of my roommates came out of our rooms
that we notice the front door was open, with wet tracks up the stairs.
That's right..

A black bear.

He figured out how to open the door.

He was scared off from the front door
and was found sitting at the back door.
I guess he thought maybe that was a better way to enter